Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Sunday, October 23, 2011

36 Weeks - Let the Countdown Begin!

36 weeks! I seriously can't believe it is time to really start getting ready for our little man's arrival! It's so surreal and lots of emotions as we check things off our to-do list. Up until this weekend we still had A LOT of things to do - including buying a carseat, crib sheets, a bathtub and other such important things. We worked hard this weekend and got a lot done and I'm feeling much more ready. The nest is almost ready and momma bird is much happier! One big project has been washing all of the baby clothes we have gotten (hand-me-downs and new too). This has been especially tricky in rainy season since the clothes have literally taken 4 days to dry! So cute though, hanging up....I can't believe we're really going to have someone this tiny around here!

Jeyson made a screen for the nursery window (they don't sell them around here and we didn't bother having one before since it was just our storage room.)

And here are a few pregnancy shots. I am seriously huge these days! I have to say though, all things considered, I'm feeling great! I get up 3 or so times at night to use the bathroom, but 3 out of 4 nights I sleep really well and don't even bother with extra pillows, etc. I have had some pretty uncomfortable leg/feet swelling, but it has gone down a lot in the past few days, which I'm super happy about. Of course that doesn't mean I fit in normal shoes or anything, it just means that I can fit the strap of my flip-flop over my foot again...I"ll take what I can get!

We're just about finishing up our Bradley birth course too and I'm feeling as prepared as one can feel. It sort of feels like when you have a final exam and you study, study study, to the point that there is no point in looking at your book anymore. It's time to just bring it on :) But not too soon! At our 36 week appointment, we found out that our doctor is getting married and traveling from this coming Saturday through Nov 5th on his honeymoon! That will put me at 38 weeks! I confess it makes me a bit nervous, but we have a backup doctor's info, and are just trusting the Lord for His timing. I am not dilated at all so the doctor feels there is a good chance our guy will stay put until after the honeymoon. Who knows though!

At 36 weeks, here's a list of some things we still have to do:

Put up shelf in nursery

Build bookshelf for nursery

Sew curtains and a crib skirt

Make freezer meals

Pack for hospital

We're also just soaking up the last moments as just the two of us before life changes forever. We're SO excited, but not wanting to wish away the phase we're in. Last night we had some friends over for games. Of course we still plan to have friends over in the future, but this was one of the last times to do this with no little guy to take care of. It was lots of fun! I have a few other things like that on my list, so we're not wishing away the coming weeks....just enjoying every moment God has us in. But the suspense is killing me...what will he look like? how will the birth go? what will it be like being a mom? And so much more....there's an adventure ahead!!!


Danielle said...

You're doing great! You got so much done this weekend. Not much longer now. Don't worry if you don't get it all done anyway....there's plenty of time after he comes....he will sleep a lot at first! :)

Katie M said...

That black and white top is looking good! Someone must have really loved you to send it to you. ;)