Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day Trips

The final post I want to put up about my parents' visit is of the 2 day trips we took. The first was to this quaint old mining town about an hour away from us called Pirenopolis. The roads are all made out of stone so it's a fun walk.

Lots of fun eclectic sights and shops

And we had lunch at a fun little family run restaurant. We sat out on a big wooden table on the front porch and the food was brought to s family style. There were about 20 items brought to the table, all typical Brazilian food. When there was nothing left to even imagine them bringing to the table, the husband offered to make anything else in the kitchen that we wanted (included in the price). He suggested he could make us a fried egg if we wanted. My parents found that quite random and went for one!

It was a really fun way to introduce my parents to typical Brazilian cuisine.

The second day trip we took was to Salto de Corumba. This is a waterfall/hiking area that we had never actually been to before this way. We had heard it was a pretty light hike up to the main waterfall. (The waterfall from a distance.)

But in the end the hike won and we lost. It was quite a bit tougher than advertised! We stopped at a smaller, second waterfall and enjoyed the view before hiking back down. (Eli hiding from the sun!)

We sent Jeyson up ahead and he took pictures of the view that we missed. (This is very large...the trees at the top can give you perspective).

In the end we decided to have a nice picnic lunch and call it a day, but it was still a fun experoence being together.

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