Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Trip to a Tribe

Jeyson recently went on a flight with a Wycliffe pilot to take the missionary on the right (Betty) to a village, where she serves translating the Bible. The couple on the left, Sam and Wanda, are her dedicated logistical support back in the main city.

The trip was an important one because the New Testament is now complete in the language. Betty went to bring papers that the tribe could sign to approve Wycliffe using their language to print the New Testament.

The 45 minute plane ride saved Betty from traveling 8 hours on extremely rough dirt roads.

It was impossible to land in the village where Betty actually serves because of flooding, so they landed in a nearby village and some men came to transport Betty to the tribe by truck.

In exchange for the ride on the truck, the plane had to bring tanks of gas. Here the men were transferring the gas into different containers. In the middle of nowhere, gas is quite a commodity!

Someday I'd love to see (even if just by pictures Jeyson brings back!) pictures of the more remote tribe where Betty serves. Thank the Lord for dedicated missionaries like Betty making a difference on the front lines!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a blessing you both are to people like Betty! And what gorgeous pictures of the journey! Thanks for the update! :)

Meghan Hinkley