Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Friday, March 30, 2012

Elijah Lately

It's hard to believe this guy is already 4 1/2 months old! Seriously...where is the time going?? Elijah is just the sweetest baby and very easy going. He is an AWESOME sleeper, which we are just loving! Elijah has been sleeping through the night from 8 weeks and he also takes 3 great naps everyday....WOHOO! He also is great at playing independently and let's just about anyone hold him. He is really finding his voice and his hands lately. He goes on and on "singing" as he plays. It can be very entertaining.

As for us, we just LOVE being parents. Elijah has brought tons of joy to our lives. Although being parents has brought new responsibilities too, it really feels so incredibly natural to sacrifice for your child. It's hard to remember life before we had Elijah.
The newest thing going on with Elijah is he has two bottom teeth coming in! It's really fun to see the process taking place, but I had no idea it was so wet! Because of the teething he had a drippy nose, TONS of drool, and even some tears. Not to mention the usual spit up and wet diapers. I think we went through 17 outfits! :)
I can't wait for this guy to meet the rest of his family this fall!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

oh poor guy with those teeth! That's so hard. Can't wait to see him! (Oh....and you....I guess!)