Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holiday Fun and 2 Strange Sights

This week Angelina and Nina came over to learn how to make Christmas cookies...
Angelina especially enjoyed being the decorating committee :)And Nina was our official cookie cutter :) We also made chocolate chip cookies and Nina was SO amazed about how you don't have to flatten out the cookies and shape them into just form a ball and they spread out into a perfect circle on their own! She said she was so glad I could teach her because she never would have figured it out on her own. Who knew making cookies was so impressive? :)

And who knew that making cookies is such a good way to deepen friendships? And who knew that deepening friendships is such a good way to invest in a life? And who knew that investing in a life is the way to change one for eternity? Well, I guess I"m not the first one to figure that out!
Well, changing's a strange sight that you can see around here in Brazil.
Here there are many people that drive illegally without a license since the process is pretty expensive and difficult. This is especially true of motorcyclists. As a result, occasionally the police set up barricades and pull over all motorcycles and/or cars and check the drivers for their licences and to be sure that the vehicle was not stolen. As you can see, the truck is filling up quickly with motorcycles that the police are taking away from the drivers because of one of these two things.

On the left you can see another one on the way to the truck. Although it's too bad the guy is losing his motorcycle, it's good to know that there are less unlicensed drivers on the road!
One more interesting sight...This week a worker came to fix the tiles in our shower since the water was pooling and not draining. The job took a little longer than expected so the man asked if he could leave some tools at our house to come finish the job the next day. Among the tools he left, I couldn't help but notice this one that was on the floor....a flip flop that looks like it is used for spreading cement for the tiles!?!? Sometimes it doesn't feel like we're in another country, but rather on another planet!!

Well as mentioned our update email, this weekend we enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with American missionaries that live in the area and work with several different missions.
We were SO excited to enjoy all of the scrumptious American food! Chickens (turkey is too expensive here), stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie, etc...there's nothing like a Thanksgiving potluck! We missed spending the holiday with our family, but this was fabulous!
We ate lunch, sang some songs, played games...

And by the time we knew it, it was time for dinner so we all just ate the leftovers.
Wow! I can't tell you how wonderful it was to be surrounded by English, great food, fun, people going through the same things in life that we are....there was so much to be thankful for!

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