Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Friday, March 22, 2013

Informed Beginnings in Action

I love teaching, I love reaching out to women, and I see an enormous need here in Brazil when it comes to childbirth.  Put it all together and what you get is what I've been doing every Thursday evening for the past two months.  Yep, I've been teaching my Informed Beginnings childbirth classes to these two women and their hubbies.
The classes include so much more than preparation for the actual birth - we also go over nutrition, nursing, caring for newborns, informed decision making, etc.  But the class to me has also meant getting to come alongside these ladies in a very special and sensitive time of life.  And I'm especially excited to get to go to Brana's (right) birth as a doula/birth attendant since she is due before we leave for Boa Vista.  

 I went for a tour of the hospital with Bruna and her husband.  It was such an eye opening experience.  Elijah was born in a hospital in a much bigger city and hour away so it was a different story.  To give you an idea, this hospital in town only has hot water in the room showers from 9am to 6pm!  But I just know Bruna is going to do great.  Birth is always full of surprises but she is as ready as one could be!

I've learned a ton myself through giving the classes.  The first time through is a lot of work as I think through the minute details of each class, not to mention translate everything to Portuguese!  LOTS of prep time.  But it is totally worth it.  I have just loved connecting with these ladies and ministering to them in an area of life that is so relevant to my own right now.  I'm excited what the future holds with this ministry.

Tonight is the last class before their final test....the world of parenthood that is :)

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