Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Move Update

So it's about time for a little move update...

- First a HUGE victory....our stuff arrived in Boa Vista this week!!!  It is being held in the mission's storage space there.  It was such an answer to prayer to have arrived so quickly, only a little more than a month rather than the up to 2 months expected!  

- Now that our belongings have arrived, we are anxious to get there!  It makes it feel like Boa Vista is home and here is not.  And I'm growing a bit weary of living in a mostly empty house.  But we're ok and chugging along.

- We have decided to not sell our home in Anapolis for now.  It is very common for families from our mission to maintain homes in Anapolis since it's our mission's headquarters.  The houses are often rented out to other missionary families and then the rent money is used to rent another home at the base the owner is living at.  This is because families often get shifted around from base to base.  We would definitely like to buy a house in Boa Vista eventually, but at least for a while we want to rent.

- So, we last week our house was painted and ready to go for whoever is going to rent it.

- We have leads on several families interested in renting, and have been trying to close the deal.  Please pray that God would make it clear who the right family is to live here.

- Jeyson has to renew his pilot's licenses before we go to Boa Vista.  It's a rather complicated and backed up process here in Brazil.  The first step was studying for and taking a written test.  So, Jeyson studied up for a few days this week and drove two hours away to Brasilia to take it.    He passed, which is great.

- Next Jeyson will have to fly a few refresher hours before he will be able to take the practical test to renew his licenses.  We are trying to figure out with our mission the logistics of that financially.  (BTW, yes Jeyson did fly on the trips to the tribes etc, but technically he was not the pilot in command, responsible for the flight, since his license was not renewed yet.  It was perfectly legal, just in case you thought that was weird :)

- Anyway once he gets these refresher hours done, we will get in line to get his recheck flight from the government.  It is a wait of a few weeks right now, unless we choose to pay extra to do the process expedited.  We're not sure yet.  

-       Then, Jeyson has renewed his license, the mission wants him to get about 10 hours of flight lessons in the Cessna 206 to prepare him for some advanced flying he will do in Boa Vista.

- So, that’s where we’re at.  Please keep praying for us through this process and for patience along the way!