Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

We're 8 1/2 Months Pregnant

Ok not literally.  In fact we're not expecting at all.  Which is good because  I'm so glad I'm not this huge right now while we're so busy!

But I sure feel 8 1/2 months pregnant!  
Not physically, but that's how I feel right now about our upcoming move to Boa Vista.

When I actually was 8 1/2 months pregnant with Elijah, I felt nervous and excited.  So many unknowns ahead, both good and bad.  We did everything I could do to prepare, and it got the point where the overwhelming feeling wasn't even nervous or excited anymore.  It was just READY. 

That's how I feel about this move.  There are tons of things we're excited about.  There are unending things we're uncertain about.  We've prepared for years spiritually, emotionally, logistically.  There's no going back....we're just about ready.  So we just kind of feel like..."Bring it On!"  Whatever it is...let's roll.

Now note, I didn't say I feel 9 months pregnant, after all we still have a bunch of things to do before the actual date, but we feel like, "ok let's just fast forward the calendar and get this baby out!" It's no longer even comfortable to sleep (SO true in both pregnancy and in our case since since we're sleeping on a borrowed mattress since our bed already left).  

Just like with expecting a baby, I know in a way we're kind of in the calm before the storm.  It's the last few weeks of quiet and peace in our home.  Soon we'll be going through the exhausting transition of actually arriving (involving 2-3 redeye flights), the birth if you will!  Then, we'll have that initial newborn phase where the baby doesn't sleep and you aren't sure how he prefers to be held and rocked, etc.  That's how I see as the days when we first arrive - finding a home, figuring out where to get groceries, choosing a church, etc.  But then will come a nice rhythm where we will know the new baby (our new lives) well and things will start to feel familiar and comfortable again.  I'm ready to get moving towards that.

It's just that anticipation now of beginning the process.  

Jeyson right now is renewing his medical approval to fly (it expired while in the States) and soon he'll recheck his licenses and do a few flights with Jaars.  Then, we'll be all cleared to go!

In the meantime, we still have to sell our vehicles, fix up our home to rent out, and finalize renters.  We're in the home stretch now!  Please pray that these things will be resolved so we can bring on our Boa Vista baby :)


bruce ciotta said...

Had me scared there for a minute...:)

Danielle said...


Deb g said...

Great it!

Anonymous said...

We miss you guys... several times I have thought I wish I could invite you guys over....then remember ... the true reality.:( caroline