Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Monday, September 3, 2012

Say Hi!

This may not seem like a big deal to those of you who live more out in the country, but I never have before (though technically we are not even in the country right now, but a small town surrounded by the country).  But I'm from NJ and we live in a city of 300,000 in Brazil, so this is a novel concept to me....waving. 

Around here when driving in the country, people wave at each other.  It's not all the time, but frequent enough to make it not a big deal.  It is usually under these conditions:
1. A car and walker/biker pass each other
2. Two walkers/bikers pass each other
3. On a country road
4. Without a lot of other people 

Even kids who are walking along the road will initiate it and wave at us first!

We thought it was kind of strange at first, but now we have gotten used to it and love it.  It's such a pleasant perk in your day.  It's so interesting to explore a new culture even within your home culture!


bruce ciotta said...

Just like back home...not.

Michawn said...

when joel first came to saline, he was always like, 'do you know them?' of course, the answer used to usually be yes (haha), but not always...even if you don't know someone, you still wave. it's just what you do. ;) small town living is the best. ;)

Michawn said...

when joel first came to saline, he was always like, 'do you know them?' of course, the answer used to usually be yes (haha), but not always...even if you don't know someone, you still wave. it's just what you do. ;) small town living is the best. ;)