Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Going Down a New Road

It's been six months since Elijah arrived.  You may remember I posted his birth story which included much more than just the actual story of Elijah's birth.  The whole thing really started before I was even pregnant, when I became aware of the challenges of birth in Brazil for women who wanted to have a normal birth.  In the States, this is pretty much all women who don't have a medical emergency, but in Brazil, almost all women choose c-sections or are lied to by their doctors about reasons they "need" one.  Maybe that sounds like an exaggeration, but when you look at the facts, that the rate of c-sections in private hospitals is as high as 90% ?!?!?! you know something has to be wrong with this system.     

Seconds after Elijah arrived
 Anyway, long story short, I wound up hooking up with a very rare doctor and having a beautiful, completely natural birth.  It wasn't easy though!  I was seriously like a fish swimming up water to not have a c-section, even though both Elijah and I were totally healthy.  The doctor never put any pressure on me (he is a 1 in a million doctor here who prefers normal birth), but pretty much every woman and medical professional I met didn't think it was possible.  (BTW, I'm not even talking about an all natural birth...which I did have...but everyone doubted I could even have a vaginal birth at all!).  Anyway, the experience of everyone telling me how impossible it was going to be was actually much harder than the birth even was! 

I wound up having an incredibly beautiful and easy birth from beginning to end and didn't need even the slightest medical intervention.  I truly wanted to have a normal birth in order to show just how incredibly God had designed the whole process and He showed that off clearly through my experience.  I LOVE telling women, especially in Brazil, just how God thought of everything and built us to do it. I LOVE being able to encourage women who are at all open to a normal birth because it truly was one of the best experiences of my life. 
This is our hospital room...basic to say the least!!!  We even had to bring our own blankets and it was a hand crank bed!
But it probably wouldn't have been such a great experience without my friend, Michawn. 

Michawn is also a missionary with Asas de Socorro and is a birth instructor/doula.  What??  Basically she is certified to teach courses to couples about birth.  She got together with me and Jeyson about 8 times during the pregnancy and taught us all about what to expect and trained Jeyson to coach me.  There are absolutely no hospital classes here, like you have in the States, so other than what we read she was our only real source of information.  I can't even tell you how valuable it was to have Michawn by our side during the pregnancy and then during the birth (she came along).  It would have been such a lonely, discouraging experience to try to have a natural birth in Brazil without her friendship and support!

Michawn with us in the hospital
Anyway, after the birth I assumed I was pretty much done with birth until our next baby.  However, it wasn't over.  I just kept running across women who knew I had had a natural birth and wanted to hear all about it.  I've gotten to share with many women, both Christians and non-Christians about how God designed every part of the birth process and really give Him the glory.  Many women have really opened up and wanted to know more so they could also avoid a c-section if they didn't have a medical reason.  They have asked me to help them in the same way that Michawn helped me...teach them about what to expect and be with them throughout the pregnancy when really few others are encouraging in this way. 

I would LOVE to help them!  To have this as a tool to connect with and support women in a unique way.  To have this as a little unofficial ministry on the side when God brings the right woman along.  To build relationships.  To show God's love.  To get together a bunch of times with a couple in need.  To share Christ's message of salvation with them. 

First famiy picture - in the hospital still
The problem?  I'm not officially qualified! 

Then this trip to the States came up and the door opened up to get training to become a birth instructor through Informed Beginnings.  It's really incredible to see how it worked out.  There will only be two training courses this year, one in Boston and one in Chicago.  And guess when the one in Chicago is?  The exact few days that we will be going to Chicago to pick up our car and driving out to Ohio!  Only 30 minutes from where we will be staying.  Seriously...what are the chances of that? 

Another cool thing is the women leading the course was a missionary in the Philippines.  And she also got started in this area in almost the same way! 

I was able to get a discount through the organization since I will be using my skills as a ministry, but the course is still pretty expensive.  If you are interested in being part of this journey in some way and want to help with the costs, please let me know! 

The course itself is only 3 days of training, but then I will have a lot of requirements to fulfill.  Hospital tours, attending a birth, a mentoring relationship, a bunch of books to read and reports, planning a course, and more.  I am excited to have this as a little side project while Jeyson is getting trained in Ohio.  I will keep you updated as things unfold!


Mário and Merlyn Milhomem said...

Yeah Stephanie! I didn't know you will get to do this course! That's wonderful. I would love if you could help me have my next baby when that time comes!!!

Norma Owens said...

Hi Stephanie! I will meet you in person when you get to MMS in Ohio. But I almost feel like I know you just from your blog. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself ~ I love reading about your thoughts, joys, fears, praises, etc. God is so good! Only He could orchestrate the timing of that course just for YOU! :)

Karen said...

That is such a wonderful opportunity and God has orchestrated it perfectly (I love that!). I didn't know C/S was so prevalent in Brazil. How sad! I was an OB nurse for 8 years before Keith and I were married. We'll have to chat when we get home from California! You are so right. We are fearfully and wonderfully made and childbirth is the most amazing demonstration of that. Hope to meet you the week we are home between travels. We live right up the street! God's blessings to you as you prepare and travel.

Michawn said...

just now seeing this, steph. how sweet...thanks so much! of course, it was TOTALLY my pleasure. so glad i could help you guys and be a seed-planter...sooo excited to see what God does with this ministry of yours back in brazil. loved reading about the course you went to...looks and sounds like a GREAT time of learning and soaking in a ton of wisdom. excited to hear all about it in person some day.