Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Monday, September 5, 2011

1 Hour (Semi-Freezer) Cooking

I've been so inspired by all of the blogs talking about 1 hour freezer cooking sessions lately. The idea is you take 1 hour and cook a bunch of little things to throw in your freezer. I thought I'd try it out, Brazilian style. Some items weren't actually for the freezer...instead they were for eating throughout the week - is that allowed? It was in my book anyway. Here's what I got done yesterday afternoon:

I had a big bunch of cashew fruit from my mother-in-law. I pulled off the end (that's the nut) and made the fruit into a concentrated pulp that I froze in cups. Then, we can pull them out and make them into juices whenever! I made 9 pulps - good for 9 pitchers of cashew juice!
I cooked chickpeas/garbanzo beans in the pressure cooker. I froze some in ziplock bags for salads and made some into humus. I froze half and kept half in the fridge.

I made a batch of homemade yogurt (it took all night, but I got it set up in the hour of cooking)

I hard boiled eggs and made deviled eggs (I'm doing the Bradley birth eating plan and you have to eat 2 eggs every day!)

Jeyson made us some strawberry/banana smoothies to eat on the spot.

Not a bad start! I think I'll try this more often! Thanks for the inspiration all you who do this!

1 comment:

Vickie C said...

You are always doing something creative with food.