Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Family Fun

It has been SO fun to be back in the States and spend time with my family again. From the time my parents picked me up from the airport, I have been busy enjoying so many things I have missed while overseas. I had the chance to speak in church, have a dessert get together with many friends and supporters from the NJ area, go to my sister's wedding in SC, and so many fun little things. I have missed Jeyson and our life together serving in Brazil, but wow this has been a fun 2 weeks! Here are just a few pictures of some fun. I will post pictures from the wedding soon.

Enjoying bagels and coffee with my mom.

I had to take a picture of all of the options of creamers available when we stopped for the coffee at our local Quick Check. This is SO different than the 2 options available in Brazil - espresso with sugar or espresso with sugar and milk. This was so great, I could hardly decide!

My mom humoring me by taking these pictures with me at the store :)
Look at the size of that huge cup available in the States. I can't wait to show these pictures to our Brazilian friends. Take out cups, especially of this size will blow them away!

It's so refreshing to see all of the options of coffee flavors, cappuccinos, etc available....a little overwhelming! Now I understand the concept of "re-entry shock"!

I missed seeing the wild bucks that casually walk across our lawn in NJ.

Playing Wii bowling with my family...lots of fun!

And eating Mexican food with my parents...YUM!

Even my brother, Joseph, was part of the Mexican fiesta

My grandmother and her cousin Katherine stopped by. I had never met her cousin before, and I learned all about how my great grandparents used to make and sell bread pudding for income...who knew?

The beginning of our time in SC for the wedding. My beautiful sisters, Christa, me, Jamie, and Danielle.

Danielle and her husband Adam came down for the wedding from Virginia.

My parents and Jamie, the bride, enjoying pizza at the rehearsal dinner.

More sister time - Christa, me, and Danielle at the dinner.

Stay tuned for more pictures of the wedding. Also, please pray for clear weather for Jeyson tomorrow morning so he can go through with a flight he has been planning.


Michawn said...

OH. MY. GOSH. Seriously, I got tears in my eyes looking at your pictures. Oh beautiful, for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain...


Seriously, wow!! There are no words.

Except to say that me MAY be on our way there (to the STATES!!) soon. My mom is seriously about to kill over from not seeing her grandchildren for a year and a half. At this age, they change SO MUCH and I just don't think that she is going to make it until next year to see them. So, she is wanting to pay for us to come home...all of us. A big undertaking, but I think that she thinks it's worth it.

So, yes...we may be going back for 6-8 weeks, during our break and possibly most of February (Joel hasn't checked anything about school). So exciting. Although I'm trying not to get too excited since it isn't for sure.

Sorry I never replied to your email, but 'amen sister' to all of what you said (election stuff). I wanted to reply to specific things you said, but our computer crashed right after I got it and I lost your email. IF you have it saved in your sent folder or anything, maybe you could re-send it to me...if not, we'll just talk about it sometime in person if we want to.

And, Jeyson called Joel this morning here at home...Joel's flight following. So, apparently the weather was just fine.

So sorry to make this book in your comments section. Should've just emailed you. Have a great time the rest of your stay. So awesome you get to stay over and be there for Thanksgiving. See you back here soon.

Danielle said...

Thanks for posting the pics! I am so glad you were back to spend the weekend with us! :)

Paulo e Cininha said...

We are missing you here! Come back!
Big hug!