Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Busy Days

The past week and the coming weeks have been busy for us as a family.  As I blogged about, we just had Jeyson's parents here and now this weekend (Thurs-Sun) we have a rather spontaneous little retreat with our mission base in Venezuela.  One of the perks of being a small team is this retreat could be planned so easily and last minute since it happened to work with the flight calendar and everyone was available.  It was only officially decided on 2 days ago!  We'll be staying in a hotel across the boarder and just spending quality time together as a team.  There isn't a formal speaker, just one person sharing each day and lots of time down time together.  Hopefully it will be a truly restful retreat.

Then, on Tuesday Elijah and I will be headed for a trip to visit my family in Arizona.  We normally don't travel nearly this much to the US, but this year has been rather unusual.  First Christa's wedding and now a trip to Arizona.  Some of you may know about the health issues going on in my extended family, and that is a big part of the reason for the trip.  Please be praying for a meaningful time with family during this trip and for smooth traveling with a wiggly almost 2 year old...4 flights there and 3 flights back!  Oh the poor people who will sit next to us!

While I'm in the US, Jeyson will be working with the other mechanics on the first time through a very involved new mandatory inspection process.  I don't know all of the details, but it seems it's really big and involved and new for everyone.  There is a lot of thinking and planning going into it and it will probably be at least a week from what I'm gathering.

Ears have continued to be on our radar as Elijah still has fluid in his ears after another round of antibiotics.  The doctor who can put tubes in his ears is on vacation for another month so we're treating with antibiotics until we can get in with him again.  This whole thing makes me feel like sitting in waiting rooms is my new full-time job.  Between waiting for to get a hearing test done, then an x-ray for the sinuses, then a follow-up with the doctor, Elijah and I have spent 7 hours in the waiting room just in the past week.  Not to mention actually having to physically GO to our insurance company office to get every test and procedure approved (more waiting) and then returning to pick it up once approval is given.  Sigh.  Good thing God created us to automatically love and want to sacrifice for our kids.

I just got a neat email from a lady who is interested in getting together with me for birth classes.  She is really interested and pursing the idea even though she is not expecting yet.  But she had such a discouraging experience with her last pregnancy/birth that she's really looking into being more proactive this time.  It's neat to see how God is opening doors just through word of mouth.  I am working on creating a little space in our office that can be a nice place to meet with women.

Well time to pack some bags for our trip to Venezuela.  Such a spontaneous trip makes it really not seem real, so I'm having to force myself to take it seriously and get packing!

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