Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

10 Days

That's how many days we have until our moving truck comes by.  It's not like the US where you actually get a REAL something to mark on your calendar.  But apparently the truck driver got in touch with the moving company and passed by the word that he should be coming by Anapolis in about 10 days.

Just to clear things up, we are NOT leaving for Boa Vista in 10 days.  We will be going in April, but sending our belongings on ahead.  They will take about 2 months to arrive, but if they do happen to get there before us, no problem!  They will just be stored and we'll get set up all the more quickly when we arrive.

But the truck coming makes my heart have a little tornado of emotions.  

Ready - So many years of anticipation have lead up to this event finally taking place

Excited - We are just so thrilled to get to be part of the team in Boa Vista and serve in the ministry there.  We can't wait to get started.  We are also excited to get settled after our long nomadic journey this year.

Nervous - Change just makes me nervous.  We'll have a new routine, new church, new friends, new responsibilities, new supermarket, and so much more.

Afraid - So many "What if's" and unknowns about those new things I just mentioned.  I admit it makes me scared...something I am working through and praying about.

Trusting - God already knows what things will be like, so deep down I trust that whatever is "behind the curtain" is going to be for our good and His best

Sad - I feel so sad to leave behind wonderful friendships, our home, Jeyson's family, and everything I love about life here

Stressed - We still have SO much to do to get ready!  Just 10 days???  Is this some type of practical joke?

Confident - I know that it will all come together.  It's just a matter of time and one way or another everything will be on the truck and on it's way.  Sort of like a big end of the semester paper that's due.  You know one or another it's going to get done even if it means a few all nighters.  Fortunately we won't even get a grade on this!

Relieved - I'm so glad the truck is actually going to come!  I was starting to get concerned since we hadn't heard any solid answers until now!

Happy - Even though we'll soon be living in a nearly empty house, we'll be happy to focus on our other to-dos without tripping over boxes.

Ready - Yes I already said this one, but I guess that's our underlying feeling.  Yes, we feel sad and nervous and stressed and all the other things mentioned.  But when it all boils down, we feel ready.  God has made this move clear so there is no reason to not go.  There is no reason to stay.  So, we're ready.  Ready, set, GO!