Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Catching Up

We made it to the US!
It was an exhausting series of flights that lasted over 24 hours (Goiania to Sao Paulo to Mexico City to Los Angeles).  Elijah did really well all things considered, really very little crying!  But it was just exhausting on us to not really be able to sleep deeply since we had to keep an eye on him.
In Mexico City we all crashed for a while in the morning between flights.
We came in the country through the west coast so we could spend a few days in California with Jeyson's brother before going to Ohio (where we are now).  Jeyson and Johnny always have a great time together.  Both Krista (his wife) and I were happy hey had each other to go to a local airplane museum with so we didn't have to go along this time :)

The six days we had in CA were tons of fun and just a relaxing time.  One of the most fun parts for me was getting to introduce Elijah to so many American things he hasn't enjoyed taking a bath in a real bathtub!
Going on beautiful walks

And he even got to see his grandparents!  My parents came up from Arizona to visit us for 2 days at the Brauns' house.

We are ALL in awe of the amazing technology that has come out in the past years :)

One of the most fun days was getting to go to a beach nearby where Johnny and Krista live

Elijah LOVED eating the sand :)

But wasn't a huge fan of the water (it was really cold!)

Krista was such a trooper for taking us even though she was due any day!

Another highlight was meeting up with one of Jeyson's high school friends (from his school in Ecuador) who lives in California.  Both have gotten married and have boys around the same age...though they have twice the fun we do!

We went to a park with them and had a great time catching up

Next, we flew out to Chicago where we picked up our car and drove out to of all of that coming soon!


Vickie C said...

Really nice pictures. Looks like you had such a great time before settling in

Danielle said...

That bathtub picture is so awesome!!! He's got a lot of hair! Speaking of hair, yours looks amazing. Can't wait to see you both!