Overall I have been feeling great! I have had some nausea, but really nothing too severe. We are now at the 12 week mark and at 10 1/2 weeks had a terrific ultrasound. Our baby is very active, and big too! At 10 1/2 weeks he measured a little over 12 weeks in length! It has been fun following some of the baby sites that tell you about the baby's growth, etc. It's hard to believe he/she is already the size of a peach and that we're already beginning the fourth month!
We definitely plan to find out if we're having a girl or boy, but don't have our next ultrasound scheduled yet. We can't wait to tell you as soon as we find out!
Woo hoo! I'm so excited to meet baby Braun!!!
Que legal!!!!!!!
Ficamos muito felizes sabendo da notícia!
Temos muito para conversar!
Estamos com quase 31 semaninhas e super feleizes nesta abençoada e maravilhosa espera. É uma menininha- Júlia!
Estaremos orando por vocês! Enviem-nos e-mail!
Congratulations, Jeyson & Stephanie! I'm so happy for you and look forward to new updates on your blog. Blessings! ~ Michelle from Calvary Bible Church.
I'm going to be an aunt! Woo hooo!!! And Lucas is going to have a little cousin! Yeah!!
we are THRILLED for you guys!!!! Congrats!!
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