Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Monday, July 19, 2010

SO much going on!

Wow! There is SO much to do to get ready to go to the States! My to-do list is literally 5 pages long and it is a celebration each time we cross something off. I LOVE crossing things off!
We'll be going to the States Aug 22nd, but we won't be leaving from Anapolis. We really wanted to spend a few days getting to know Asas's biggest northern base, Manaus, before we went to the States, so we bought our tickets to the States from Manaus. Finally this past week, we were able to meet with Asas's leadership to decide when we could leave Anapolis to go to Manuas and they said we could go in the beginning of August. However, with so much to do before going to the States, we decided that Aug 10th is the earliest we can go and are in the process of booking our tickets. So, we have exactly 3 weeks between now and saying goodbye to Anapolis until Jan 5th. Although there will be lots of unknowns and stresses from traveling over the next months, we're really excited and can't wait to see you all again!!
Meanwhile, this week we had Bobby become sick.....sick as a dog in fact! I was actually pretty sure he was arriving at his end for a few hours, but I was able to put of my Moody classed into practical use. In college I took a class on tropical diseases where we had to learn how to give a shot, so I gave my first ones ever on Bobby and he's feeling much better now!
Also, this week our car decided it would be fun to take a get-away at the spa.....aka mechanic shop :( A hose broke and the car's in Goiania getting fixed....meanwhile we're a biker couple, getting around only on Jeyson's motorcycle! You should see us getting home with the groceries! We also have some house repairs going on. Our house had some issues that the builder had to fix. Of course everything here in Brazil takes longer, so finally his guy is out working on somethings. This involved taking ALL of our stuff out of each room at a time to get the walls worked on. Today is the last day and everything is getting wrapped up.
Our cat hid under the bed the WHOLE time the workers were here, but when the left his curiosity got the best of him!
Lastly, for fun we had our friends Andres, Camila, Lauro, and Rose over for dinner since soon Andres and Camila will move to Manaus! I made some easy fruit-kabobs for dessert with a cream cheese dipping sauce and everyone was so impressed! A fun evening to top off a busy week.


Jeremy and Jamie said...

See you soon! PS, what is the Bobby update?

Anonymous said...

Ei gente, que jantarzinho especial! Convida a gente também! rsrsrs Abraços, Suzi e Heber.

Michawn said...

oh my gosh...i love that fruit kabobs idea!! and i'm with suzi...where was our invite? ;) kidding. great to see you for a few days. so excited for you and your trip. keep updating the blog. ;)

Sarah said...

you DO have a lot going on!! Got your email and of course we'd LOVE to get together with you guys. will send you some dates asap so we can get it on the calendar. Will be praying you get everything done before you leave in a few weeks!