Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Friday, July 10, 2009

Treasure Hunt

Last week the totally unexpected happened. My Tuesday afternoon English student cancelled, so I was excited about an afternoon doing some deep organization in our home. We have a large shelving unit where we keep our storage things and it was a terrible, disorganized mess. I started by removing almost every box and putting it on the floor and I created a HUGE pile of things to sort through. I finally got one box organized and went to put it back on the shelf, but as I pulled my hand back, I heard BANG!!! (Don't worry the shelves hadn't fallen on me...the bang wasn't THAT load :) My engagement ring had gotten hooked on the shelf above and the "bang" was the ring slamming against the metal shelves. Although I wasn't hurt, I looked down to my horror to see the diamond from my ring had disappeared!

Immediately I started looking, but very casually at first...assuming it hadn't gone far. After about 15 minutes I really started to get nervous. After all, there was TONS of stuff all over the floor around the room - how would I ever find a small, clear stone? I started removing things from the room one by one, checking each one for the stone...but it was nowhere to be found. I looked and looked and looked and looked and looked. Two hours passed as I searched and I went through each item in the room. By the end, was the room was nice and organized, this wasn't how I had imagined it happening. I was devastated! There was no where else to look and the stone was SO sentimental. Soon Jeyson came home and he started all over and looked everywhere in the room again. He searched all evening (he only stopped for a quick dinner!) Finally, there was no where else to look...we had both checked everywhere countless times and after I had a good cry we decided it was time to stop searching. But just because we stopped crawling on our hands and knees it didn't mean we stopped searching. For the next week we were constantly looking down on the house floors. Countless times we were convinced we had found it, so we would bend down only to discover it was a fuzz or a speck of disappointing!

Then finally it happened! Unknown to me, Jeyson was walking by the shelves one day and happened to look down and see something that looked like glass RIGHT in front of the shelves where we had looked countless times. And this time when he picked it up it wasn't a fuzz diamond :) It was the real thing!! He held onto it and put it back in the ring and surprised me with a fun little "re-proposal".

Even though I don't have the world's biggest stone, my stone meant the world to me....enough to search and search even when there was no where else to look. Throughout this long week of finding "fuzz diamonds"and continuing to search anyway, God really spoke to my heart in a special way....I kept thinking of one message over and over....Do I seek God as much as I am seeking this diamond? It is easy to say we are seeking after God, but another thing to tirelessly pursue Him with our whole hearts because He means everything to us.

"Seeking You as a precious jewel, Lord to give up I'd be a fool, You are my all in all"

What a lesson to learn from a ring!


Michawn said...

that's so great, stephanie. congratulations on your re-engagement. ;)

really cool.

Pam said...

What a great lesson you'll (and your readers will) remember for a long time! How wonderful that God searches for us that way, too...the lost sheep. Thankfully He doesn't give up on us either!