Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our Support Team - What What Would We Do Without You?

Recently, we've been thinking a lot about our support team and just how truly blessed we are to have so many people and churches faithfully partnering with our ministry here in Brazil. A few years ago when we were beginning to think about raising support and living on gifts, it was a pretty intimidating thought and we had so many questions about how it would work.

We wondered, would we be able to clearly explain our ministry to others in hopes that they would partner with us?

Would we be able to explain our desire to work with others to bring people closer to Jesus Christ?

Would people understand what a missionary really is and who we are? Would they understand that we are still "normal" people just seeking to serve Him? That for us, serving Him looks like this....

And not this (We are not eatten by cannibals on a daily basis :)That for us, serving Him looks like this....

And not this..... (We still feel, act, and dress like us :)

However, contrary to our fears, even from the very beginning God has just blown us away with a wonderful support team that He has brought up alongside us to pray for us, encourage us, support us financially, and logistically.

My (Stephanie's) home church, Calvary Bible Church, has come alongside us, which has meant so much to us. It was a missions trip with this church to Guatemala that really was my first step towards missions work, so is so meaningful that CBC sent us and is partnering with us. CBC has grown a lot over the years and is filled with caring people who often write to encourage us to keep pressing on. The church has also been wonderful about keeping us involved and feeling like part of the body, even from across the world. (I searched for a picture, but unfortunately I was unable to find one)

Years ago, Jeyson's family met members from this church, Walnut Community Bible Church, at a Bible camp. The church took an interest in the Braun family and adopted them as missionaries. Later, WCBC chose to also support Jeyson when he joined Asas (before getting married) and continues to support us as a couple. Walnut is a tiny town and definitely has that small town feel. The minute you walk in the door of the church, you instantly are embraced and invited to be part of the family.

It has also been an amazing blessing to be supported by Winnetka Bible Church. We often mention to people how incredibly faithful WBC has been to Jeyson's family over the years - with about 20 years of support in so many ways, prayer, finances, logistics, etc. As with the case of Walnut, Winnetka also chose to bless us by taking us on as missionaries (in addition to continuing to support Jeyson's parents in their ministry). This church is filled with incredible, kind people of all ages who express their love for us in special ways.

Also (not pictured) is the wonderful church The Union Church of Lavallette, a small church near the shore that has also been a tremendous encouragement to us. The pastor and members of the church are always so welcoming and they are willing to partner with projects like the PETI program where I teach English. The church is so special to us and also to the kids from the PETI program.

Last, but DEFINITELY not least, should be a picture of you and many other individuals and families who partner with us in different ways. We are SO thankful for you all and wish we could post a picture of everyone. We pray for your often and would love to pray for a specific need if one comes up. Please feel free to let us know!

Before raising a support team there were so many uncertainties about living dependant on support, and although there are still moments when we long for the stability of a "normal" job :), we can truly say from our hearts that God has been 100% faithful to meet all of our needs and that we are truly blessed by you and blessed to experience this life of faith.

1 comment:

Michele W said...

Thanks for the "Shout Out"!
We love you guys!!!
Pastor Todd is going on a short Missions trip to Africa to teach.
He's leaving on May 29th.
Please remember him in prayer.
1John 4:19
Michele (Union Church)