Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Jeyson, Stephanie, Elijah, & Audrey

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Big Day

After several months of intense flight training today the big day finally arrived...the day for Jeyson's check-ride. A check-ride is when a government worker rides in the plane with a pilot and evaluates if they can get their private pilot's license. In Brazil there is only one weekend a month that you can take the check-ride and since Jeyson is leaving next week to go to the States, this weekend was the only opportunity he had to take the test until we return to Brazil in the Spring.
Jeyson has been working with other missionaries since June to complete everything necessary before the could do his check-ride. However there was so much to do that it took up until the last days to know whether he would be ready to take the test. A week ago we looked at the weather forecast and saw rain predicted for every day and it started to look hopeless! But thanks for praying because God brought weather good enough to get everything done...and Jeyson passed the test! We are so excited that Jeyson is now a private pilot as of today!! This is a huge achievement which brings us closer to our goal of Jeyson being a missionary pilot. The next step is for him to get his commercial pilot's license.....but first we have a wedding on the horizon!


Matthew Wright said...

Congratulations - that's great news! It must feel great to see all that hard work and prayer pay off.

Redd Green said...

You sure can cram a lot of exciting things into your day!
We are so happy for you, now on to the Big Day. Stephanie you will be a beautiful bride.
Blessings on you both,
Miriam and Ralph

Redd Green said...

You sure can cram a lot of exciting things into your day!
We are so happy for you, now on to the Big Day. Stephanie you will be a beautiful bride.
Blessings on you both,
Miriam and Ralph